Episode 110 - But how MUCH do I charge?

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One of the questions I get asked most often when I’m helping my students and clients put together irresistible offers is HOW MUCH an offer should cost. And in this episode of the podcast, you’re getting the 4 questions you must ask and answer to make sure the price is right! 

Plus, remember to join our pop-up Create Your Irresistible Offer FB group, where you’re getting extra support like a workbook that walks you through these questions + an answer key with all of my responses.  Click here to join the group

As always, we value your feedback on the podcast. Please leave us an honest rating and review on iTunes, and screenshot your review before you hit “submit” to send it to my team at success@saraannapowers.com . We’ll get you access to an audio training I did on exactly how I set my day up for success --- so you can take my morning routine and plug n’play it into your successful day! 

Connect on Instagram and join the conversation on Facebook. 

Sara Anna Powers